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We can discover refunds that may have been overlooked

Give your tax returns a
Pre-Filing Review
Reviewing your tax returns could lead to a larger refund or less owed.

Alimony payments.
Business use of your car.
Business use of your home.
Money you put in health savings accounts.
Penalties on early withdrawals from savings.
Student loan interest.
Teacher expenses.
Child Tax Credit (CTC).
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC).
IRA and 401(k) Deductions.
We know the common tax errors that can be costly for businesses
Not Selecting the Proper Entity
(LLC, C-Crop, S-Corp, Partnership)​
Deducting Start-Up Costs Incorrectly​
Commonly Missed Deductions / Expenses​
Over-Reporting or Under-Reporting Income​
Incorrectly Classifying Staff​
Not Paying or Filing on Time​
Payroll Mistakes​​
Separating Personal and Business Expenses​
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